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Spectrum Education and Public Engagement

This portion of SuperKnova is dedicated to the exploration of the electromagnetic spectrum, particularly the fascinating world of radio frequencies. These unique waves have a wide array of uses, from enabling radio astronomy and wireless communication to powering navigation systems, TV and radio broadcasts, remote sensing, and smart devices. Every year, we find more ways to utilize radio frequencies, even though the spectrum itself remains unchanged. This project aims to raise awareness about the vital role radio frequencies play in our daily lives and the importance of managing this resource wisely. We hope to inspire people to recognize the spectrum's value and advocate for its careful stewardship. Additionally, we provide educational materials to help students grasp the concepts of radio frequencies and ignite their passion for pursuing careers in this exciting field. 


Figure 1: A selection of radio frequency devices. 

Project Components

To learn more about these components please click on the title.

Educational Resources - There are thirty peer-reviewed inquiry-based middle and high school lessons based on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Undergraduate Curriculum - The three-credit undergraduate course, Spectrum Science and Management, is divided into six modules. Professors can teach the entire course using all six modules or choose to add just one module to an existing course.

Digital Badge Courses - Four self-paced courses on spectrum science and management are available to anyone who meets the prerequisites. 

Citizen Science Project - This project uses an RTL-SDR dongle and an Android cell phone to explore how radio waves are used in your area. 

This initiative is funded by two National Science Foundation projects, The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is working on the National Radio Dynamic Zone (NRDZ) project, which aims to create an advanced spectrum monitor (ASM) device. This project also seeks to encourage more people to get involved in managing the radio spectrum (NSF Award # 1647378). SpectrumX is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Innovation Center that brings together 28 institutions focused on the use of radio waves. The team of scientists, engineers, and educators from these institutions understand the critical role radio frequencies play in our modern world. They are dedicated to advancing research and developing a skilled workforce to revolutionize how we manage and utilize the radio spectrum (NSF Award #2132700). Dive into the groundbreaking research from the NRAO NRDZ project here, and explore SpectrumX's work here.

If you have any questions or need more information about this program, please click the button below. 

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