Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Scholar's
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the rules for the class?
- Let the instructor know before the class if you need to be absent and make arrangements to make up the class time
- Miss no more than 4 classes without a reasonable excuse and without making up the work
- Show up on time. We’re keeping zoom/class time to a minimum. If you miss 10 minutes at the beginning, you have missed important information.
- Complete assignments and mark them complete
What is demonstrated progress?
- Meeting deadlines
- Completion of assignments
- Receiving passing grades on tests and exams
- Class participation
What are the expectations for assignments?
- All assignments are due by next week’s class:
- All activities in the Learning Activities and Assessment Activities sections in the SuperKnova lesson are required and must be completed before the next class
- All activities in the Resource section are optional
- Discussion during the next class is the evaluation
- Your participation is valued
What is an excused absence?
24-hour notice ahead of class via email or Discord.
What is Ham radio project code of conduct?
See our class code of conduct
What is the criteria for making up for missing a class meeting?
- Watch the recording of a missed lesson,
- Write a summary paragraph about the session (~5-15 sentences),
- Include at least 3 questions or comments about the content discussed (separate from the summary paragraph), and
- upload the document containing the paragraph, questions, and comments to the Missed Assignment assignment in the Welcome section of the lesson you need to make up.
What are the penalties for late homework (SuperKnova lessons)?
- Learners are expected to complete assignments within one week, before the next class. Any assignment not completed by this deadline will be considered late. The reason for this deadline is to ensure that learners are well-prepared for class discussions and can move on to the next lesson and access its materials in SuperKnova.
- If learners fail to complete the required assignments by the stipulated payment schedule in Lesson 01 deadlines, they will not receive the payment until the assignments are completed. Learners will have until the next payment deadline to complete any lessons that are missing. However, if they miss the second deadline, their stipend will be stopped permanently. Even then, learners are welcome to audit the course. Please refer to the payment schedule for more details.
How are the safety concerns about soldering addressed in this course? The students may have received tool kits that contain solder containing lead.
Although the tool kits provided to students may contain lead solder, soldering is not required in this course. Learners are responsible for their safety and that of others.